UK-Mexican Arts Society, London

March - April 2022

Casa X is a group show of seven Latinx-identifying artists coming together under one roof as 'homemakers' to forge a surreal and sensory vision of 'home'. It envisions 'home' as a fluid site of negotiation, a crossroad of identities where all personal incongruences can unfold and lay to rest. 
Through the interstices between harmony and dissonance, surrealism and mundanity, wholeness and fragmentation, Casa X cultivates a multiply authored story of Latinx diasporic visions of home. Featuring artists from Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela, Casa X aims to disrupt the contrived linearity imposed onto Latinx identities, instead opting to weave together serpentine narratives, sometimes intersecting, sometimes diverging.

Chair Waiting for an Artifice, Daniel Rey and MA-ease, Xara Luna Bermudez

Casa X Press Release

Everything America Forgot to Teach Me, Fernanda Liberti

Hilos Continentales, Teagan Herzog